The History of ZOZOFIT’s 3D Body Scanning Technology
ZOZOFIT didn’t start out as a fitness tech company, but it has always been focused on delivering accurate body measurements to its clientele.
In the late 1990s, our parent company ZOZO came on to the scene as an e-commerce company in Japan. Since then, it has both improved its technology and grown worldwide, with offices in the USA, New Zealand, and South East Asia.
The original ZOZOSUIT technology was used by shoppers to get body measurements for custom-fit clothing. Now, though, users have harnessed ZOZOFIT’s 3D body scanning technology to track their overall health and wellness through accurate body measurements.
Transitioning to Fitness Tech
The transition to fitness tech began in 2018 when ZOZO launched the first ZOZOSUIT for their custom-fit clothing brand.
Both the original and current ZOZOSUIT rely on technology based on the fiducial marker pattern featured on the suit. These markers allow the app to build an accurate 3D mesh model of a user’s body for them to see.
From then on, users were excited by the idea that they could use this suit to track their body measurements, so tapping into this new market made sense.
The fitness community had a need for a tracking option other than the traditional scale or outdated medical models like the Body Mass Index (BMI). Both of these methods fail to take in all of the information needed to give a user accurate results.
Both the scale and BMI rely on weight, which can often be a misleading number, because muscle weighs more than fat. A person could look like they’ve lost a significant amount of weight, but the number on the scale wouldn’t change. This is where ZOZOFIT comes in.
By being able to present users with intuitive data reflective of the changes to the shape of their body, ZOZOFIT can more accurately depict how a person’s health and fitness efforts impact specific body parts and their body fat percentage as well. ZOZOFIT has found its niche in the fitness tech space and has been able to bring the power of body shape analysis to people at every stage of their fitness journey.
The scale and BMI both often have negative connotations. The scale, especially, is known to cause stress and unease from users because of our culture’s emphasis on the number. ZOZOFIT is working to transform this and let people have freedom from the scale.
Furthering ZOZOFIT App Development
ZOZOFIT’s growth has made an impact on the health & wellness of many, including people just starting on their fitness journey and professional athletes, like golfer Kaito Onishi.
As ZOZOFIT’s popularity has grown, our development team has responded to the needs and suggestions of users to continuously improve and provide better services and tracking metrics.
Goal setting was one of the first new features to the app. It allows users to set a body measurement or body fat percentage goal, which makes it easier for users to track their progress.
Then, ZOZOFIT introduced side-by-side comparison and ColorMetric so users could see the visual differences in their bodies. Side-by-side allows users to look at two scans next to each other, so you can see clear differences in body shape over time. ColorMetric uses orange to show increases in measurements and teal to show decreases for a number-free look at the body, which some users have cited as a game changing feature.
Even though the team has worked on these features for the app, there are no plans to stop here. It’s important to the ZOZOFIT team that improvement and new development is always on the horizon.
And now in 2024, the team has made the biggest update to ZOZOFIT’s services yet.
Equipment-Free Scanning: The Next Horizon for ZOZOFIT
In 2024, ZOZOFIT released our equipment-free scanning subscription option which allows users to use ZOZOFIT’s accurate body measurement tool without having to wear a ZOZOSUIT. This development will make it easier for anyone to take their measurements and have important information about their fitness at their fingertips.
When discussing this new evolution of the ZOZOFIT app’s scanning methodology, the New Zealand development team said that accuracy is one of the utmost importance. Users rely on ZOZOFIT’s accuracy for measurements when they use the product, so sacrificing the quality of body measurements that we deliver to our users wasn’t an option for them.
This equipment-free scanning experience also opens up ZOZOFIT to reaching even more people through our subscription plans, which means that more improvements to the app and the ZOZOFIT we know and love are on the horizon. With this new option, users will not need to pay for a suit, and instead can subscribe to be able to use the ZOZOFIT app to fit their fitness needs.
This equipment-free scanning experience is only the next chapter in ZOZOFIT’s story, but it is by no means the last.