Losing Weight on Her Own Timeline: Amber DiGrazia’s ZOZOFIT Story

Losing Weight on Her Own Timeline: Amber DiGrazia’s ZOZOFIT Story

Posted by Sydney Bollinger on

ZOZOFIT user Amber DiGrazia knew she was ready for a change when her clothes didn’t fit and she no longer felt strong or healthy. Amber shares her fitness journey here.

Amber DiGrazia came across ZOZOFIT and thought could try it down the line for her costume design work, but then realized it would be a great tool for her weight loss journey, allowing her to step away from the scale and focus on her body measurements as a more accurate tool to see her progress. 

For Broadway employee Amber DiGrazia, she knew she was ready for a change when her clothes didn’t fit and no longer felt strong or healthy

“I was maintaining a certain weight for a few years that I already wasn’t happy with, and then I started working on Broadway, which is the mecca of gaining weight,” she said. 

“I would up gaining 40 pounds or something like that, which is fine, but for me it was difficult. I decided at that point it was definitely time to take matters into my own hands.”

ZOZOFIT Improves Weight Loss Tracking 

Amber started with increasing her exercise and focusing on eating better. Like many people, though, the scale wasn’t providing her with the information she needed to be successful in her weight loss journey

“I’m one of those people where the scale is not always necessarily reflective of how far I’m improving until it’s a massive difference, so it [can] be very demoralizing to think you’ve been doing really well and the scale doesn’t look different for a very long time.” 

Amber learned of ZOZOFIT when researching, as a freelance costume designer, methods to take the measurements of her clients that would be easier for her. At only five feet tall, she said that most everyone is usually taller than her, especially the men, which makes taking measurements difficult. 

She came across ZOZOFIT and thought could try it down the line for her costume design work, but then realized it would be a great tool for her weight loss journey, allowing her to step away from the scale and focus on her body measurements as a more accurate tool to see her progress. 

“When I started to consistently use [ZOZOFIT] and I would see the numbers go down over time, it felt very gratifying,” Amber said. 

“I really loved that I could see a whole breakdown of pretty much every single part of my body, which I felt was pretty accurate numerically.”

Even though Amber prioritizes the data from ZOZOFIT, she still weighs in daily, but isn’t married to it, but finds consistency important, so she uses both the scale and ZOZOFIT to track. 

However, because of her past struggles with the traditional scale she needs an alternative. 

“That’s where the ZOZOFIT app really comes in and helps me. I definitely am not somebody who visibly sees my progress as I’m losing weight,” she said. 

“Maybe in twenty pound increments, I’ll notice differences, but I’ll really feel like I don’t look very different, so when I see [my scan] on the ZOZOFIT app, that’s where I see a big difference, and I absolutely see it in a way that I don’t see just from weighing in and looking in the mirror.”  

Motivation for Weight Loss 

Since beginning her weight loss journey two years ago, Amber has both lost sixty pounds and also made sustainable life changes to improve her overall well-being. 

“I’m a person who lapses in the journey, which is why it’s taken so long. There are a lot of people who probably could have lost the amount of weight that I’ve lost — and then some — in six months to a year,” she said. 

But, each person’s weight loss journey is unique to them and no two people will have the same timeline. One of the most important things to do is stay motivated and return to your goals in difficult times. For Amber, much of her motivation comes from clothes and fashion. 

“I love fashion and I buy almost everything I own from the thrift store. I don’t like buying new clothes. I love vintage fashion.” 

She said she often uses clothes to keep her going, knowing if she wants to wear her favorite vintage dress, she needs to stay motivated. She loves the reward of getting to wear things she enjoys. 

As she continues working toward her weight loss goal, Amber is also trying to get in the gym more. While she finds intentional exercise difficult, she does love to walk.

“Sometimes I’ll take a friend and I’ll walk 13 miles. I’ll walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan and back, so that’s a lot of exercise for sure.”

It’s also important for Amber to be able to better enjoy the things she likes to do in her spare time, such as walking, whitewater rafting, and kayaking. 

“When I was kayaking, one of the first times I ever led a laying tour, I was so out of breath. Now that I've gotten better, I love it.,” she said. 

“But the fact that over time I get to see myself enjoying the things that I’m already doing more is massively helpful for me.”


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