With ZOZOFIT, Jody P. Sees Weight Loss Differently

With ZOZOFIT, Jody P. Sees Weight Loss Differently

Posted by Sydney Bollinger on

After a traumatic fall, ZOZOFIT user Jody P. decided to focus on maintaining her weight and, during recovery, dove headfirst into weight loss so she could have the life she’s always dreamed of. She discusses here how ZOZOFIT helped he track her progress.

“One of the reasons I bought ZOZOFIT was because my calf, especially after the fall, had atrophied [and] was probably a couple inches smaller than the other leg. With ZOZOFIT, I can really tell if I build it up, so that was a bonus. I could see the weight loss, and I could see the muscle growth in the one area where I really needed it.” 

After a traumatic fall, Jody P. decided to focus on maintaining her weight and, during recovery, dove headfirst into weight loss so she could have the life she’s always dreamed of. 

“I maintained a pretty regular weight most of my adult life, but I started gaining when I hit menopause and I gained a lot,” she said. At her heaviest, Jody weighed in at 262 pounds. 

In a hiking fall, she shattered the bones in her ankle, tearing ligaments and tendons. The fall had nothing to do with her weight, but after going through three surgeries and spending an entire year working toward regaining her mobility, she had a wake-up call. She knew she had to make changes in order to achieve healthy aging and maintain mobility. 

Working with a Medical Professional

Initially, Jody was interested in a GLP-1 agonist medication, but learned her insurance wouldn’t cover it. Instead she worked with a doctor and endocrinologist for medical approaches to weight loss. 

After meeting with her doctor, Jody began climbing stairs for exercise. 

“After the accident, I had a fear of falling, hiking, and stairs,” she said. “I started doing stairs and my husband would go with me. In the beginning, I was holding onto him and just scared to death.” 

Over time, though, she became more comfortable with the stairs. 

Jody also saw an endocrinologist who tested her thyroid. The test led Jody to receiving thyroid medication. At this time, she also began tracking her progress using weigh-ins and taking her own measurements. 

ZOZOFIT Motivates Jody to Lose Weight

“I heard about ZOZOFIT when I had already lost about 40 pounds,” she said. 

So, she started adding ZOZOFIT into her routine. 

“One of the reasons I bought ZOZOFIT was because my calf, especially after the fall, had atrophied [and] was probably a couple inches smaller than the other leg. With ZOZOFIT, I can really tell if I build it up, so that was a bonus. I could see the weight loss, and I could see the muscle growth in the one area where I really needed it. 

ZOZOFIT also provides users with the unique opportunity to see a 3D model of themselves. For many users, including Jody, this helps them visualize how they actually look, so they can work toward the body they want. 

“You don’t know how you look until you see it in 3D, so I was absolutely shocked because in my mind, I hadn’t gained that much weight. I didn’t feel like that inside,” she said. 

Previously, Jody had been taking her own measurements with a tape measure, but found that to be ineffective compared to the ZOZOFIT app. 

“A tape measure, it just doesn’t do it. Even though you see the numbers, it’s just not the same. Seeing it in 3D and twirling it and all that, it’s so amazing. I think it has been the most valuable tool that I have, and that’s why I tell everybody it is so worth it.” 

Eat Well to Lose Weight 

Since Jody is so far into her weight loss journey, she doesn’t have to rely on calorie tracking apps or other mechanisms to watch what she eats. Instead, she intuitively knows calories and proteins and ensures she gets enough food throughout the day. 

“For breakfast, I always have yogurt and a piece of fruit. Usually I like bananas,” she said. 

Her breakfast usually totals 400 calories. 

At lunch, Jody drinks a Fair Life protein drink and has a small snack of fruit and nuts in the afternoon. Having the protein drink at lunch helps satiate her throughout the day.

She said she doesn’t eat a big dinner, but always has a salad on the side of her family’s meal. This usually totals about 400 calories as well. 

Even though Jody usually chooses not to eat desserts, she doesn’t deny herself indulgences like pizza or a bowl of ice cream. She treats herself to ice cream once a week and only family pizza nights only takes one slice to enjoy. 

Living the Life You Want

Since beginning her weight loss journey 18 months ago, Jody has lost 80 pounds. 

“I’d like to lose another 20. My goal is just to hold steady. I’ve had a lot of really great things going on.” 

Recently, Jody went on a sailing cruise from Greece to Italy, something she thought she would never be able to do. 

“I couldn’t fit in the seat of the airplane before, but now I can climb the rigging. It feels like I have come so far and it’s exciting. I climbed a thousand steps up to a castle on one of the Greek islands. It was everything I had dreamed that I wanted to accomplish and I had gotten there.” 


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