Cultivate a Healthy Fitness Mindset with ZOZOFIT
For many ZOZOFIT users, the ZOZOSUIT and ZOZOFIT app is a breath of fresh air in fitness and wellness tech.
Marielou Mandl, who learned of ZOZOFIT from a friend attending South by Southwest, knew from first sight that ZOZOFIT was the fitness tech she needed. Now, she's one of ZOZOFIT's affliates who regularly posts about her experiences with the app and the ZOZOSUIT.
“I’m really into wellness tech and just in general and advancements to stuff like this…because I think that weighing yourself on the scale is so antiquated. I’m so over it,” she said.
Most people have grown up with the scale, knowing that the numbers it spits back at them can “determine” their health, but it has led to many having poor relationships with their own body, their weight, and food.
Using ZOZOFIT can help heal this relationship while still having a way to keep track of your fitness.
Marielou gets ready to scan with the ZOZOFIT app.
How Numbers Can Hurt
It’s no secret that our culture’s obsession with numbers has caused a lot of people, especially women, to develop unhealthy relationships with their own body and food.
Mandl, who participated in beauty pageants in her twenties, has experienced this firsthand. During that time, she was focused on her weight and body measurements, as well as the number of calories she ate and the food she consumed.
“It bothers me because it was such a main focus of what I did for a couple of years. I’m changing it now to where I just want to be healthy. I want to live as long as I can.”
Since starting with ZOZOFIT, she has been able to recontextualize that time in her life.
“I look at the scale and it’s nowhere close to where that was but that was a different life in a different lifestyle,” she said.
Using ZOZOFIT to Cultivate a Healthy Mindset about Health & Wellness
Before using ZOZOFIT, Mandl “hacked” traditional health tracking systems so they wouldn’t lead to the experiences she had in the best.
“The first thing I did was change my scale from pounds to kilograms…I don’t translate the numbers in my head…and it doesn’t trigger me the way that the pounds number [does].”

Using ZOZOFIT, however, has changed all of this. ZOZOFIT has a built-in ColorMetric system that can visually show you progress or changes. This alternative has a lot of benefits, especially for anyone who has struggled with disordered eating, body dysmorphia, or poor body image.
“I do feel that with this app, it doesn’t feel harmful the way some trackers do…I know some people can deal with the calorie tracking, but if I wasn’t hitting those numbers, then I would feel terrible about myself.”
For Mandl, looking at the numbers can make her spiral and lose sight of what she is working toward.
“Being able to look at it this way, where it’s not number focused is, I feel, a really healthy way of keeping track of trends…There’s not necessarily a goal. I’m not trying to get down to a 24-inch waist. I want to see if my working out and my health goals and my food and fitness are making progress in some direction.”
Finding Motivation to Stay Consistent
One of the most difficult parts of any fitness journey is finding the motivation to stay consistent. Many fitness tracking apps allow users to program reminders, but sometimes a reminder just isn’t enough.
One morning, after spending a month traveling and then falling ill, Mandl knew she should go to the gym, but just did not feel like it. Instead of giving into the desire to stay home, she decided to do a ZOZOFIT scan, knowing that she was behind on scans.
“By doing it, I felt like going to the gym. It wasn’t because my results were one way or the other, but because [of] the overall results and [seeing] progress…It’s not necessarily that the number swayed me to go, but the fact that I’m looking at this and I’m taking care of these things.”

Marielou reviews the results of her 3D body scan in the ZOZOFIT app.
Just the act of getting into the app and doing the scan was enough to motivate Mandl — all because she was able to see the work she had put in.
“I’m 40 now and I’ve spent so much of my life being mad at my body, because it’s not holding the space I would prefer, right? …So it’s not about those goals but I do want to keep track of where I am and the body I am in now. How can I make this body stronger?”
With ZOZOFIT, it’s easy to take control of your health and avoid common triggers in the health and fitness world. The tool makes it easy to explore new avenues in fitness while maintaining a good mindset and fostering a new relationship with the body.