ZOZOFIT: A Look Back at Year Two
It’s hard to believe that ZOZOFIT is officially celebrating our second anniversary today, but here we are, two years and millions of scans later. Throughout this second year, ZOZOFIT has been all about transformation: transforming our scanning technology’s capabilities as well as helping our community gain even further insights into their health and wellness through several new cutting edge features that we have released throughout the last 12 months.
ZOZOFIT kicked off 2024 with a whole new revolutionary experience for iOS users: an equipment-free scanning process (we will be catching up with you soon, Android users!). In January, ZOZOFIT took a transformative step forward in closing the gap in health tech accessibility with its new and simplified approach to body scanning.
As it evolved from the classic ZOZOSUIT, this new scanning experience helped to further democratize health technology, with our users tracking their fitness and body changes from the comfort of their homes in under two minutes. As we adapted to marketplace needs and analyzed learnings from more than two million ZOZOSUIT scans, the development of the ZOZOFIT app-only scanning experience arrived at the peak of consumer demand for accurate wellness technology. As ZOZOFIT shifted its focus to making even more strides for accessibility, the equipment-free scanning experience requires no hardware and is designed to be user-friendly and efficient for iOS users.
“We really wanted to make sure that we were continuously improving during the development process of the ZOZOFIT app after we launched in 2022,” explained Duncan Eason, Senior Algorithm Developer/Technical Lead at ZOZO New Zealand. “We put in place some really good frameworks and found tools that we all were able to use, so that right from the beginning, we could piggyback off of the existing technology to create the suitless scanning experience, which helped a lot as well.”
Even after two years since our launch, ZOZOFIT remains fiercely committed to continuous innovation and exploration of how our technology can help shape the lives of others, and we didn’t dare slow down with changing our approach to 3D body scanning earlier this year either. Based on community feedback we’ve received from our users, we were able to launch our goal simulator feature in late March.
For our goal simulator feature, users with an iOS device can visualize changes to your shape as you set goals in each measurement area. As you move the slide bar back and forth, your mesh will change accordingly with the goal simulator feature as you increase or decrease inches to determine the goals you want to achieve for yourself. We know that one of the best ways to stay motivated is to be able to visualize where you'll be once you cross the finish line, and goal simulator allows our community to stay focused on all the progress that awaits them in the future.
ZOZOFIT continued to stay busy throughout the Springtime as we unveiled our app’s brand new Apple HealthKit integration capabilities in early May. We had heard from a number of iOS users that they were looking for ways to simplify their personal health data, and we spent a number of months working on creating that linkage so that our community could access all their pertinent data in one place (this is a feature that is still also being worked on by our Android development team as well and should be released in the next several months).
And while the team at ZOZOFIT is proud of all that we’ve achieved thus far throughout our second year, there is one new feature on our app that has seemingly taken our community, and the world of fitness, by storm since it was released in June: Booty Mode.
Booty Mode is our new visual tool for iOS users that they can use to track your butt’s progress over time as this unique view highlights changes in the lift, fullness, and shape of your glutes. Also, another aspect of the new Booty Mode feature on the ZOZOFIT app is our new Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) analysis— which compares your upper waist and hip measurements— so that you have even more information which can help you make more impactful fitness choices as you see how your activities are transforming your shape over time.
But at ZOZOFIT, we always want to try and push things even further than we had thought possible at the start of any given project, so we decided to take things up a notch with our Booty Mode. Staying focused on providing our community with new and innovative tools, we also developed a Booty Assessment feature for our app that helps categorize your butt type after you scan so that you have even more understanding of what's going on with your glute muscles.
And after you receive your assessment, we also offer everyone some tips on how to transform your booty based on what your goals are, courtesy of glute exercise guru and BAKESHOP founder, Katie Wildhagen. We understand that many of our users are focused on body transformation so we wanted to provide them with the necessary information so that they could make their desired changes to their glutes based on whatever their goals may be for that area of their body.
Now, as we look forward to what lies ahead for ZOZOFIT in the coming year, our team is extremely excited for all that the next 12 months will bring – for us, but also for our community members who have invited our technology into their lives and have allowed us to support their fitness journeys, regardless of whatever they are looking to achieve with their wellness plans.
At ZOZOFIT, our dedication to making fitness tracking and body scanning accessible has not waivered in these first two years, and we look forward to continuing to find new ways to bring our community even more tools so that they can have a better understanding of how their fitness impacts their health and achieve their goals.