New Feature Announcement: ZOZOFIT’s Booty Mode (for iOS)
It’s Peek-a-Booty Time! ZOZOFIT is thrilled to announce that we have officially launched our latest new feature: Booty Mode. In case you haven’t heard the news, Booty Mode is our new visual tool for iOS users that you can use to track your butt’s progress over time as this view highlights changes in the lift, fullness, and shape of your glutes.
In Booty Mode, the first time you register a scan, you will see a white line, which is considered your original butt shape. As you scan more, changes to the shape of your glutes will be indicated in neon color lines so that you can see how your posterior shape is evolving.
Additionally, you can also benefit from our new Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) analysis—comparing your upper waist and hip measurements— to help you with your overall health assessment that can help you make more impactful fitness choices.
The WHR measures the ratio of your waist circumference to your hip circumference and is considered to be an easy and accurate way to see the proportion of your body fat, and according to health professionals. Your Waist-to-Hip Ratio can also help predict your risk of heart disease, diabetes, strokes, or other health issues.
Medical professionals have stated that, for women, a healthy waist-to-hip ratio should be around 0.8 or less, and for men, it should be 1.0 or less. In women, the waist should be narrower than the hips, and in men, the waist should be narrower or the same as the hips. By comparing waist circumference to hip circumference, you can get a better indication of abdominal obesity, which is the storage of visceral fat.
Visceral fat releases hormones, fatty acids, and other chemicals that cause inflammation into your body’s system. Over time, this leads to higher cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose. It also leads to higher levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood as well. You can use your WHR as a guide to talk with your doctor about managing your weight and possible disease risk factors you could be facing.
Benefits of Booty Mode:
- Gives You a Bird's Eye View of Your Rear View
- Closely Track Gains and The Lift of Your Glutes
- Helps You Determine the Effectiveness of Your Booty Workouts
- You Can Zoom, Pinch & Rotate in Booty Mode — Just Like Your Full-Body View!