ZOZOFIT Motivates User Alexis Oberg Toward Better Health
Committing to a healthy lifestyle is daunting, especially after major life events or unintentional weight gain. After gaining 30 pounds during the onset of the COVID pandemic, ZOZOFIT user Alexis Oberg wanted to get serious about her diet and exercise.
In January 2023, Alexis was accepted into medical school, which began September 2023.
“I knew I wanted to get healthy before starting medical school and then through medical school, I wanted to develop and maintain healthy habits.”
Part of her commitment to herself and her health included ZOZOFIT, which she began using in April 2023.
“I feel like I was not actively trying very hard to be active and eat healthy before I got the suit,” she said. “And it still took me some time after getting it to get more serious about my diet and exercise.”
ZOZOFIT Changes What Weight Loss Looks Like
For Alexis, getting a ZOZOSUIT and tracking her body measurements has been a huge motivation for improving her health and wellness. When she decided to take the next step in her fitness journey, she turned to ZOZOFIT.
“ZOZOFIT changed my mentality. I’ve always known BMI is not the most accurate representation of health. Weight is not the most accurate representation of health, but when that’s all you have to measure your fitness, it can definitely be problematic."
As a child and teenager, Alexis struggled with finding her value in the number on the scale.
“If I saw myself gain half a pound or a pound after trying really hard, it would be really discouraging.”
With ZOZOFIT, she says she doesn’t have to worry about the mental health impacts of the scale, because she can see how her body is changing in the ZOZOFIT app with her body measurements and body fat percentage, as well as the Side-By-Side Comparison and ColorMetric features.
In her last scan, she gained about a pound, but her body fat percentage dropped. Instead of being discouraged or confused, she could see the greater context of the change in her body.
“My weight probably went up because I gained muscle, not because I gained fat,” she said. “ZOZOFIT has been really helpful for my mental health and throughout my fitness progress because obsessing over my weight was never good for me.”
Through regular scans, Alexis can monitor her progress and see how her diet and exercise directly impact the look of her body.
Consistency in Diet and Exercise
Instead of having a specific goal, Alexis says her main focus is health and she just wants to be a more healthy person. Her approach to her wellness and fitness is centered on the idea of consistency.
“I go to the gym three times a week and stay active outside of that [by] going on hikes with friends and going on walks,” she said.
Alexis is generally happy with her weight and body fat percentage, but wants to be stronger.
“I want to decrease my body fat percentage, not by necessarily losing a bunch of fat, but by building muscle.”
Part of the work for her healthy lifestyle comes in the form of diet. While she has always had a healthy diet, she admits struggling with bored, emotional, and social eating.
“I would eat too much, but not necessarily unhealthy. I’ve been trying to do portion control and then prepare meals for the week,” said Alexis.
Maybe people working toward a weight loss or other fitness goal choose meal prep because it helps ensure that they always have something nutritious to eat that supports what they aim to achieve.
Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus with ZOZOFIT
Since starting with ZOZOFIT, Alexis has noticed a huge transformation. At first, she worked on her own at losing weight and losing fat, but based on data from ZOZOFIT, she decided it was time to work with a personal trainer.
“I was mostly doing cardio and then some strength training, but two months ago I started working with a personal trainer… when it comes to specific strength goals I wanted to work with an expert.”
By using ZOZOFIT, Alexis has been able to overcome this plateau and continue making progress toward her goals.
“Keeping myself accountable to do my scans to continue staying active is the main thing,” she said.
Alexis’s “low pressure” goals allow her space to try new things and make mistakes while still have huge successes and moments of celebration.
“I know that even if I have a few weeks where I wasn’t able to exercise as much as I wanted or I ate more unhealthy than I would’ve liked, I know that doesn’t cancel out all the hard work I did before and everything I can do in the future.”