How ZOZOFIT User Charlene Roomes Relies on Our App for Preventative Healthcare
No matter your age, it’s not too late to take action to better your overall health and wellness.
ZOZOFIT user Charlene Roomes has always had fitness top of mind, but wasn’t always staying active and eating well. However, after the death of her father due to pancreatic cancer — and learning of her family's history of cancer — she decided it was time to rein in her focus and take her nutrition and fitness into her own hands.
Family Health as a Catalyst for Individual Health
Our genetics impact us more than we may realize. Many different diseases and illnesses are actually hereditary, meaning if a parent or grandparent had the disease, it is more likely that you might, too. Charlene found this out the hard way. First, through her father’s diagnosis, and second, as results in genetic testing that told her cancers she may be predisposed to as well.
Understanding how familial health and wellness can impact your health and wellness is important. Many people of older generations are less likely to be upfront and honest about any lifelong — or other hereditary — diseases or illnesses they may carry. Or, perhaps, they are not aware that they dealt with something most of their life.
Regardless, preventative care is incredibly important.
“I’m trying to take the step of preventative measures,” she said. “I am trying to change my lifestyle in terms of being more active and the types of food I’m feeding my body.”
Following up with doctors and genetic counselors, like Charlene did, is also an important first step to get the most holistic picture of your health.
Using ZOZOFIT to Understand Health
Charlene turned to ZOZOFIT when she was ready to make strides in her health and wellness. Because of ZOZOFIT’s unique 3D body scanning technology, Charlene is able to see her body measurements in real time. Before using ZOZOFIT, she often relied on the conventional scale.
“Last year, I weighed myself and I was the second highest weight that I’ve ever been,” she said. “But I know the number [on the scale] isn’t everything. Being able to know your percentage of body fat and measurements in inches really has more weight because at any point in the day, your weight on the scale can fluctuate.”
With ZOZOFIT, she thought she would get more accurate measurements than if she were to take her own measurements with a tape measure.
“If I’m measuring my thigh, I may measure it in a slightly different place that may be one inch higher or lower than last time,” she said.
With the ability to track her measurements, she can see how she is progressing toward her health and fitness goals. Charlene likes to pair ZOZOFIT measurements with weight loss milestones. Every time she loses ten pounds, she scans to see how many inches she loses in a ten pound increment.
As she continues working toward her health goals, she relies on the ZOZOFIT app for real-time data of body measurements and body fat percentage to measure her overall health and fitness.
Clean Eating and Exercise Can Lead to Success
For Charlene, getting fit and healthy didn’t just mean going to the gym. She also has found success with intermittent fasting and working toward a more clean diet.
“I’m trying to become a vegan, slowly,” she said. She is currently working on cutting out beef out her diet and will then move onto eliminating pork, chicken, and seafood. Instead of meat, she is opting for natural, healthier foods that promote weight loss and help her reach her goals.
“I know it’s going to take a while, but I’m already making strides.”
As an intermittent faster, she eats one large meal per day, as well as some snacks of fruit or juice.
For exercise, she rotates days of cardio and strength training. For cardio, Charlene likes to mix it up.
“I try to walk at least two times a week when I’m at the gym,” she said. “I may do the elliptical or I may do the rowing machine, so I don’t get bored doing one thing.”
She said she dedicates two days to cardio, two days to upper body strength training, and two days to lower body strength training.
In addition to diet and exercise, Charlene has made other changes in her life. She’s started switching to more natural products like aluminum-free deodorants in an effort to be more aware of what she’s putting into her body.
“If I get pancreatic cancer, I will deal with it when it comes, but I’m just trying to do what I can in hopes I can ward off potentially getting it sometime in the future.”
With ZOZOFIT's technology on her side, Charlene is ready to continue to tackle all her health and wellness goals for today, tomorrow and the future.