You Asked For It - We Answered! ZOZOFIT Now Tracks Body Fat Percentage

You Asked For It - We Answered! ZOZOFIT Now Tracks Body Fat Percentage

Posted by ZOZOFIT TEAM on

Since launching in August 2022, ZOZOFIT has been actively listening to what our users would want to experience from our app to enhance their experience. The biggest request we’ve received is incorporating body fat percentage tracking as another metric to be used for tracking fitness goals. And now, ZOZOFIT has added the ability to track body fat percentage to each scan allowing users’ to take their wellness journeys to the next level. 

Start scanning with your ZOZOSUIT while using the ZOZOFIT app today! 

At ZOZOFIT, our goal is to democratize the fitness space by continuing to improve the metrics and tools available and be the one-stop shop for fitness professionals and wellness enthusiasts alike. We want to make sure that we’re creating cutting-edge technology that not only meets the needs of our customers but also provides them with access to the best tools available.

Our newly launched body fat percentage metric reflects our dedication to that goal, and we have even more features coming in the future that will continue to allow our users to take control of their journeys in new and exciting ways.

According to fitness coach Rodney Lozier (Certified Functional Strength Coach, NASM Certified Sports Performance Coach, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, Level 1 Weightlifting Coach), adding body fat percentage tracking is just another way that allows ZOZOFIT to better assist his clients. “Most people who train will measure their success by their weight or to be more specific by how much weight they lose or gain. This is not only inaccurate, but it doesn’t give you the full picture. Tracking body fat percentage allows for a greater analysis of both body fat mass and lean muscle mass, and with this data, I have a better overview of how the body is changing.” 

“For example, if I’m working with a client whose weight is 100 pounds and their body fat percentage is at 25%, then my focus will be to ensure as they lose weight, the body fat percentage is decreasing but at the same time ensuring that the lean muscle mass is either staying the same or increasing. This allows for a much better measure of success and is a very valuable tool for me as a professional.” 

At ZOZOFIT, we understand that success is measured in a variety of ways for everyone, so we hope that our new ability to calculate body fat percentage will become yet another way that we can provide even more support to all of our users’ goals. 

For unlimited scanning, purchase your ZOZOSUIT and download the ZOZOFIT app to get started today!

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