ZOZOFIT's Guide to Effective Holiday Workouts
The holidays — while a time of joyful celebration — come with a disruption to our normal routines. This disruption can make things like sticking to your workout schedule difficult, if not impossible. Between Christmas parties and family potlucks, you may feel that time slips through your fingers in the month of December.
However, strategizing your workouts ahead of the holiday season can help you maintain your fitness and improve your health despite the hustle and bustle or, in some cases, lack thereof. Even with the holidays’ spontaneity, you can take control of your physical health and training while still enjoying everything the season has to offer.
Embrace being creative and allowing flexibility in your workouts this time of year. Having the right mindset can make your workouts even more effective.
At-Home Workouts
Committing to an at-home workout is a great option for the holiday season. Whether you’re at home because the gym is closed or you need to get in a quick sweat session before heading out to holiday festivities, consider optimizing your workouts to build muscle in a short amount of time.
For at-home workouts, you either need a set of dumbbells or resistance bands. Either option will allow you to build strength.
Quick Full Body Workout
A quick full-body workout will get your heart pumping and muscles moving. For a full-body workout, choose exercises that will target every muscle group. We like circuit workouts because they bring high intensity, but do not require a lot of time.
Start your workout sessions with some cardio to warm-up and get your heart rate going. Try jumping jacks, high knees, or butt kicks if you are in a small space.
Then, get to work on your circuit. Do each exercise for one minute. Try to do as many reps as possible while maintaining proper form. Then, move onto the next exercise. After four minutes of exercises, take a 30 minute break. Every two sets, take a minute-long break.
The Exercises
- Squats, with weights or resistance bands
- Push-ups
- Plank
- Bench Press, with weights or resistance bands
Always feel free to swap out exercises so your workout routine aligns with your fitness goals.
Working Out While Traveling for the Holidays
Many of us travel for the holidays, which means not only do we lose the normalcy of our at-home routines, but we may have to figure out how to incorporate exercise in a new place without our usual equipment.
There are a couple of different options for working out when traveling for the holidays.
Bodyweight Exercises
Creating a strength routine with bodyweight exercises is something you can bring on the road. With a bodyweight routine, you don’t need any extra equipment — just your body — making this the ultimate, portable option.
Upper body exercises like push-ups, tricep dips, supermans, and shoulder taps will strengthen your arms. Incorporate lower body exercises like squats, lunges, and step-ups to get your leg muscles moving. Top off your exercise routine with a selection of core exercises — planks, side planks, Russian twists — and full-body exercises that incorporate cardio, such as mountain climbers or burpees.
Enjoy Exercise with the Family (and Friends)
Instead of going off on your own to exercise, invite your family and friends to join you. This can look like going on walks together, following a strength or yoga workout routine on YouTube, or attending a group fitness class at a local gym.
While you will want to maintain your fitness during the holidays, this is also the time of year to try something new and branch out. Also, inviting others to join you in your exercise lets you get some extra special time with your loved ones.
Low Intensity Workouts for the Holidays
Looking to take a break from your normal training regimen this holiday season? Taking some time off your extreme training schedule can help your body recoup, but also give you much needed time away from the intensity of the gym. Also, taking breaks, cutting back, and recovering from intense workouts and exercise plans is important to both retain your overall fitness level and stay injury free.
The holidays are a great time to try out something a little less intense than your usual workout.
Trying out winter sports like cross-country or downhill skiing and snowboarding are a festive way to get your heart pumping during the holidays. Also consider activities like walking, hiking, and ice skating. It’s especially fun to do these activities with friends and families.
Know Your Barriers to Exercise During the Holidays
One of the best things you can do to prepare for the holidays and have effective holiday workouts is to know what might prevent you from exercising during the holiday season. Most commonly, people feel they just don’t have time to workout or might feel like it is difficult to have a quality workout when they aren’t at home.
Prioritize Time for Yourself
Fitness is an important part of life, so prioritizing yourself and your fitness during the holiday season is incredibly important. Don’t let the busyness of the holidays overrun your schedule. Take the needed time for yourself to take care of you and your body.
Maintain a Routine
During the holidays, you might find yourself with a lot of time off work or maybe you’re traveling and staying with a family member for a prolonged period of time. Either way, it’s easy to get out of your routine when you don’t have the normal bookends of work and daily activities to help you move from one thing to the next.
Part of creating an effective holiday exercise plan is making a commitment to your routine. By choosing to exercise, you are keeping a routine. This also makes it easier for you to get back into the swing of things once light goes back to normal.
It’s Okay to Skip a Day
Lastly, it’s okay to skip a day. The holidays are a special time filled with good tidings and even better food. Allow yourself to take breaks and know you will be able to pick up the weights again tomorrow. If you need to take a break and enjoy the day, allow it! You can always pick back up the next day.