The Long-Term Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise
When we build workout plans and change our lifestyles, we’re not in it for the short-term. Taking control of your health and wellness is a lifelong commitment that can dramatically improve your life. When you show up to your next workout, you are showing up for your future self.
There are many different types of workouts, but most can be categorized as either aerobic or anaerobic. While both types of exercises can improve your fitness, they accomplish this differently. Knowing the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise and what type of workout is best for you will help you maximize the long-term benefits of your workouts.
What Is Anaerobic Exercise?
We do anaerobic exercises at a high intensity with high power. During this type of exercise, the body can break down glucose to be used for energy without oxygen. On the contrary, during aerobic exercises the body breaks down glucose with oxygen. Aerobic exercises — like jogging and distance cycling — normally have an endurance component and work to strengthen the heart and build lung capacity.
When you think of anaerobic exercise, you want to think of activities where you expend a quick burst of energy or strength and then take a break. Often, these are not sustained efforts. That’s not what anaerobic exercise is for. Activities like HIIT training, sprinting, and weightlifting are all anaerobic exercises.
Often, people who have not done anaerobic exercise may feel nervous about it, especially because it seems to be harder than aerobic exercise. But, building anaerobic exercise into your workout plan — alongside aerobic exercise — creates a well-rounded path forward for your overall health and wellness.
The Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise
Anaerobic exercise comes with so many long-term benefits it is hard to keep track of them all, but that’s what makes this type of exercise so great!
No matter who you are or where you are in your fitness (or weight loss) journey, you can rest easy knowing that your work in anaerobic exercise will pay dividends as you better yourself and age.
Even if anaerobic exercise is not something you are familiar with, you will want to build it into your fitness routine because of how much it will help you down the road.
Reduces Body Fat Percentage
One benefit of anaerobic exercise that people love is how it reduces overall body fat percentage. Because of the intensity inherent in anaerobic exercise, your body will burn a lot of calories. This can help create a calorie deficit, thus reducing your body fat percentage. In addition, the building of muscle mass (which we discuss later) will also assist in this process.
For the best results in decreasing body fat, pair your anaerobic exercise routine with a balanced diet, healthy diet rich in protein and whole foods.
Increases Metabolism
Boosting your metabolism makes a big difference in your day-to-day life. Many fitness enthusiasts and people on weight loss journeys really value this benefit of anaerobic exercise. Since many anaerobic exercises are focused on strength training, you will build muscle. Muscle tissues have a lot of fascinating properties in the body and can really change how your body operates.
Relevant to your metabolism is the fact that muscle uses more energy than fat and other body tissues. Because muscle uses more energy, that means you are burning more calories throughout the day and when you’re resting. This also means you will burn more calories in subsequent workout sessions.
Builds Strength
Being stronger comes with so many benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. Not only will you be able to increase your lifting capacity, but you will also see your newfound strength play out in day-to-day life. Whether you’re carrying an overstuffed bag of groceries with ease or standing with better posture than ever before, building strength is key.
Increasing your strength is especially helpful in the long-term. As we age, we typically lose strength and muscle definition. Getting ahead by doing anaerobic exercise now will pay off when you’re older.
Tone and Sculpt the Body
Many types of anaerobic exercise can help you change your body composition, including toning and sculpting the body. Since weightlifting and resistance training are anaerobic exercises, that means you will change your body composition just by working out.
However, these changes don’t happen overnight. Anyone wanting to change their body composition knows it takes time — and that’s why this is a long-term benefit. As you build muscle and anaerobic capacity, you will see your body change over time.
Betters Mental Health
Exercising is good for your mental health. That’s a known fact. This is because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins and serotonin, both of which improve mood. Additionally, working out — especially doing anaerobic exercise where you use lots of energy and power — helps you release any stress or negativity you may be feeling. The body physically stores these emotions and feelings as energy, so when you work out and release them, you essentially let it go.
Overtime, exercise will reduce your overall stress levels and help keep your mental health regulated so you feel better for longer.
Increases Energy
Having a more active lifestyle will definitely boost your energy. When you work out, your body changes to accommodate the increase of activity. This means your cardiovascular health improves and becomes more efficient. It also means the body creates more mitochondria — “the powerhouse of the cell” — which gives you more energy.
Increased energy is an important long-term benefit. As we age, the body might start to feel sluggish, but with anaerobic exercise you can stick to your normal routine.
Strengthens Bones
Bone strength is important for everyone as they age, but especially women. Doing anaerobic exercises can improve bone strength and density, which prevents diseases like osteoporosis and reduces the risk of broken bones.
Get Started with Anaerobic Exercise
Now that you know the benefits of anaerobic exercise, it’s time to build some anaerobic exercise into your workout plan. We recommend at least two anaerobic workout sessions per week. Since there is such a large variety of anaerobic activities, be sure to pick something that interests you!
When you have your plan in place, make sure to track your progress with the ZOZOFIT app. You can scan your body in less than two minutes, and use our digital toolbox to track your fitness progress with unparalleled accuracy.