The 7 Best Wall Exercises for Abs

The 7 Best Wall Exercises for Abs

Posted by ZOZOFIT TEAM on

You can do wall exercises for abs without any additional exercise equipment. Learn how to do seven of the best wall ab exercises and then track your results with ZOZOFIT.

The Top 7 Wall Ab Exercises

1. Wall Planks

2. Wall Plank Push-Ups

3. Wall Sits

4. Wall Crunches

5. Wall Deadbugs

6. Wall Mountain Climbers

7. Wall Walks

A wall is all you need to do effective abdominal exercises. Wall exercises for abs range from relatively easy moves suitable for beginners to very challenging techniques that are favorites of bodybuilders. Let ZOZOFIT share with you the benefits of exercising against a wall and how to do seven of the best wall ab exercises out there.

Why To Do the Best Wall Exercises for Abs

Walls provide immovable vertical surfaces for exercising. In any indoor or outdoor location, you can usually find a surface suitable for doing wall exercises. A wall can offer more stability and make it easier to maintain good form than doing the same moves on a floor mat without a wall in reach.

The Top 7 Wall Ab Exercises

This list of wall exercises starts with basic movements that target ab muscles and progresses to more challenging moves. Consider adding one or two easy wall exercises to your routine and gradually include more difficult ab exercises.

1. Wall Planks

Planks are effective and simple wall exercises for abs. Lie face down on a floor mat and place your forearms flat on the mat with your elbows under your shoulders and your heels up against a wall. Step your feet up to the same height as the rest of your body and hold the pose for up to one minute. You can repeat this pose several times.

Doing wall planks can help you maintain good form and avoid dropping your hips. Increase the intensity of this exercise by doing a hand plank, aligning your heels and body about one foot above the ground, or transitioning from wall planks to squat jumps.

2. Wall Plank Push-Ups

Standing plank push-ups target your abdominal, arm, chest and shoulder muscles. Stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean into the wall with your arms straight out and place your hands on the wall. Engage your core as you lean into the wall until your forearms are flat against the surface in a plank position.

Push off the wall and extend your arms to return to the starting position with only your hands touching the wall. Do one or more sets of eight to 10 repetitions of these wall exercises for abs. You can alter the angle of your body by standing further away from the wall or on a stable platform to make this exercise more challenging.

3. Wall Sits

To do wall sits, stand with your back against a wall and your feet shoulder-width apart. Engage your core as you assume a squat position by bending your knees 90 degrees. Your knees should be over your ankles and your thighs should be parallel to the floor.

Hold each wall sit for up to 60 seconds before returning to a standing position and repeat several times. Single-leg wall sits are more advanced wall exercises for abs. As you squat, extend one leg in front of you and hold this position for three to five seconds. Work your way up to doing eight to 10 single-leg wall sit repetitions.

4. Wall Crunches

For wall crunches, lie on the floor and extend your legs up the wall. Put your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders, keeping your elbows open and lifting your chin from your chest.

Breathe out as you engage your core and hold each crunch for one or two seconds. Breathe in as you release and return to the starting position. For the best results, try to do at least two sets of 15 to 20 crunches.

5. Wall Deadbugs

Lie on your back with your head near a wall to do your deadbugs. Reach up and press your palms into the wall, pointing your fingers toward the floor. Your arms should be straight. Lift your legs into the air with your knees bent until your hips are over your knees and your calves are parallel to the floor.

Lower your right leg in a bent position until your heel taps the floor, and then raise this leg to the starting position and repeat the motion with your left leg. Alternate legs until you have done 10 to 15 heel taps on each side. You can get measurable results by doing basic wall exercises for abs. Put on a ZOZOSUIT and use the ZOZOFIT app to take body measurements and track changes over time.

6. Wall Mountain Climbers

You can tone your abs by doing mountain climbers against a wall. Stand about three feet away from the wall, lean forward and place your hands on the wall above your head. Engage your abs as you lift and lower your right knee and then lift and lower your left knee. Try doing two or three sets of 20 wall mountain climbers.

Variations on wall exercises for abs strengthen different abdominal muscles. Try removing the hand opposite from the leg you are lifting from the wall to bring your knee and elbow together, meaning your right knee and left elbow should touch and the same with your left knee and right elbow. Another variation involves twisting your legs across your body as you lift your knees.

7. Wall Walks

Wall walks are an advanced isometric exercise that targets your ab, arm, chest and core muscles. Start in a push-up position on the floor with your feet up against a wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you walk your hands back toward the wall.

Go as far as you feel comfortable — up to a handstand position flat to the wall. Keep your core engaged as you walk your hands away from the wall and step down until you are back in the push-up position. You can keep doing wall walks until your muscles start to feel fatigued.

How To Include Wall Exercises for Abs in Your Workout

Start adding simple wall exercises to your workout at any time. It is a good idea to work up to doing advanced wall exercises for abs. You can start seeing results faster when you combine wall ab exercises with cardio workouts. Then, measure your progress by taking full-body scans in 3D when you use the ZOZOSUIT with the ZOZOFIT app, or you take advantage of our equipment-free scanning experience (which is currently only available on iOS).

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