Why You Can’t Sleep After a Workout and How To Get Some Rest

Why You Can’t Sleep After a Workout and How To Get Some Rest

Posted by ZOZOFIT TEAM on

Find out why you can't sleep after a workout session and how to avoid insomnia. Follow these great tips for sleeping better after physical activity.

Can't sleep after a workout in the evening? Not everyone has trouble sleeping after working out, but exercise may affect you differently. Energy bars with caffeine or high-intensity activities may be the reason. Make time to cool off at night.

Working out is good for your body and mind. It helps you feel less stressed and boosts your well-being. Those positive feelings should help you sleep like a baby, but for some reason, you might have trouble snoozing. Why is it that some people can’t sleep after a workout?

ZOZOFIT explores this issue below.

Reasons You Can’t Sleep After a Workout Session at Night

Exercise doesn’t automatically cause insomnia. In fact, working out can improve sleep quality. However, if working out makes you feel wide awake at night, one of the following factors may be the culprit.

The Fight-or-Flight Response

Moderate exercise contributes to feel-good hormones called endorphins. When you push yourself into intense territory, though, your body releases a different group of hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones trigger a fight-or-flight response that conserves energy levels but, unfortunately, can also keep you wide awake.

Elevated Body Temperature

Normally, your body starts to cool down as it gets sleepy. This is part of your normal sleep rhythm, and it’s why falling asleep is easier in a cool bedroom with fresh sheets. If you can't sleep after a workout session, it may be because you feel hot or sweaty.


Working out should give you feelings of satisfaction. Not everyone experiences things that way, sadly. When some people exercise, their inner voice only has criticism. Negative thoughts can make it hard to fall asleep.


If you usually eat energy bars before workouts, take a look at the label first. Some workout foods and beverages use caffeine to boost exercise performance. This stimulant can interfere with sleep even if you consume it long before bedtime. Some extra-strength pain relievers also contain caffeine.

Can't sleep after a workout in the evening? Not everyone has trouble sleeping after working out, but exercise may affect you differently.
Can't sleep after a workout in the evening? Not everyone has trouble sleeping after working out,
but exercise may affect you differently.

Ways To Avoid Insomnia If You’re a Person Who Can’t Sleep After a Workout

If you experience insomnia because of exercise, the solution revolves around figuring out what affects you personally and countering it. For example, if elevated body temperature is the problem, include a routine that helps you cool down. Put fans in your gym or apply cold compresses afterward. If your adrenaline levels are too high, limit your workouts to moderate-intensity exercise at night.

Besides avoiding things that take away your sleep, you can also promote quality rest with some positive habits:

  • Follow the same sleep routine every day
  • Make time to relax, read or listen to calming music in your bedtime routine
  • Consciously focus on relaxing your face and chest in bed
  • Avoid checking emails or social media right before bed
  • Don’t go to bed hungry — or overly full

If you are still having trouble sleeping after working out at night, start keeping track of your habits before bedtime to see if anything else is contributing to the problem.

The Importance of Sticking With Exercise — Even If You Can’t Sleep After a Workout

If you can’t sleep after a workout at night, you may want to shift to an earlier exercise schedule. Whatever you do, don’t give up on your fitness goals. Stay active and track your progress with the ZOZOFIT app and ZOZOSUIT.

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