What Is a Good Distance To Run Every Day for Your Health?

What Is a Good Distance To Run Every Day for Your Health?

Posted by ZOZOFIT TEAM on

People run for various reasons, including fitness, training, and socialization (or a combination of several reasons). Even when you’re running solely to improve your health, there is no single answer for all situations to the question, “What is a good distance to run every day?” Your running experience, fitness level, and overall health are important factors to keep in mind. ZOZOFIT takes a look.

What Is a Good Distance To Run Every Day Based on Your Experience?

Your running experience plays a critical role in how many miles you should run per day. If you are new to running, you want to build up your running stamina and not shoot for too many miles out of the gate. That's true even if you have a lot of experience hiking, bicycling, or kayaking. Each activity has its special blend of endurance and fitness, and it is rarely "transferable," so to speak.

That said, if you do currently participate strenuously in another activity, you should have more endurance and stamina for running than someone who is not all that active.

For Beginners

Try to start with one to three miles per day if you are new to running. Stay closer to the one-mile end if you don’t currently do much exercise. If you hike, bike, or do something similar, you may want to see how you do running three miles a day.

As you gain more miles over time, your heart and lungs become stronger. Your running fitness increases, and you can gradually add to your running distance every week.

Some people have more success focusing on minutes than miles. Thirty minutes of jogging five days a week should do you well, or you could try 25 more-intense minutes of running three days a week.

For Experienced Runners

What is a good distance to run every day for experienced runners? Five to seven miles is what many experienced runners opt for daily to meet various goals such as muscle gain. However, if they are training for a race, they may increase the distance, depending on the type of race.

What Are Considerations To Keep in Mind?

How much to run goes beyond whether you are a beginner. Consider factors such as your schedule, availability, and injury history.

In terms of schedule and availability, look at your week as a whole. If you’re able to run only a short distance some days, you may want to run extra-long distances the other days to balance out the miles. You can set a weekly goal, say 25 miles, and calculate the different totals per day to meet that goal.

Be aware of your injury risk, too. If you're prone to overuse injuries, be more conservative with your distances and add cross-training into the mix. You can also opt for runs with less intensity (fewer hills and inclines, for example). Listen to your body, and adjust run lengths accordingly.

What Is a Good Distance To Run Every Day?

The answer to “What is a good distance to run every day?” could be one mile, eight miles, or even more, depending on various factors. It's something you'll have to determine as you go. But as you stay with a running regimen, your body will change changes. Find out more today about how you can track these changes with a ZOZOSUIT and the ZOZOFIT app.

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