The Five Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Chest

The Five Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Chest

Posted by Sydney Bollinger on

We love dumbbell exercises because they can be done anywhere. Here's our guide to the five best dumbbell exercises you can do for your chest muscles.

The 5 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Chest

The Dumbbell Push Up

Dumbbell Chest Fly

Dumbbell Bench Press

Crush Grip Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Pullover

We love dumbbell exercises because they can be done anywhere. As long as you have a set of dumbbells, you are good to go! While we see a lot of people focusing on arm strength when training with dumbbells, chest strength is also important. 

Anatomy Lesson: Pectoralis Major and Minor

The chest is made of two muscles: pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. 

Like with naming conventions for other muscles in the body, the pectoralis major is the bigger of the two muscles. The major consists of two distinct parts: the clavicular head (upper) and the sternal head (lower). It is shaped like a fan and stretches from the sternum and the clavicle all the way down to the sixth rib.

The pectoralis minor is underneath the major and is a small, triangular-shaped muscle. The minor’s main jobs are to assist in moving your ribs and your shoulder blades.

Why We Need Strong Chest Muscles

A strong chest makes everyday activities like pushing a door open and lifting something heavy off the ground much easier. Strong chest muscles can also improve your posture, so if you’re concerned about posture working out your chest (and back) is a must. 

The chest muscles are connected to your shoulders and deltoid muscles. This means that the stronger your chest muscles, the more stable your shoulders. Good shoulder stability reduces your risk of injury. 

Need one more reason to focus on chest strength in your next workout? Improving your chest strength is known to support deeper breathing. That’s because when you strengthen your muscles, you are better able to expand your 

Strength Training for Chest Muscles

The best time to start strength training for your chest muscles is now! We’ve curated the best five dumbbell exercises for your chest so you can improve your strength and get definition

The Dumbbell Push Up

A regular push up will work your chest muscles, but a dumbbell push up takes your strength training to the next level. 

Set up for this exercise like you would a normal push up with your body in a high plank and an activated core. Instead of putting your hands flat on the ground, you will position two dumbbells shoulder distance apart and hold onto the dumbbells. 

Now slowly bend your elbows to a right angle while lowering your chest to the floor. Keeping your core activated and back straight is key. Then, push yourself up until your arms are straight again. This is one rep. 

Repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Chest Fly 

The dumbbell fly is a classic chest exercise to work your pectoral muscles. It also helps deltoid strength. 

To complete this exercise, you will need two dumbbells and an exercise bench. 

With a dumbbell in each hand, lie back on the bench with your feet on the ground. Activate your shoulders by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Activate your core to protect your lower back. 

Then, as if drawing a circle with your hands, lift the dumbbells overhead so your palms are facing each other. Lower back down until your arms are parallel to the floor without locking your elbows. 

Repeat that motion for 3 sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Bench Press 

The dumbbell bench press is a popular exercise — and for good reason. It effectively works your chest muscles so you can get to maximum strength. 

Ready to go? Sit on an exercise bench while holding two dumbbells. Then, lower so you are lying flat on your back with your feet on the ground. Lift the dumbbells, positioning your arms so your elbows are in line with your shoulders and your palms face forward. Press up to straighten your arms without locking your elbow. Then, lower back down. 

Repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps. 

Crush Grip Dumbbell Press 

You’re going to crush this exercise! 

The crush grip dumbbell press will work both of your pectoral muscles. Like with the dumbbell bench press, lie back on the exercise bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your feet on the floor. Hold the dumbbells away from, straightening your arm without locking your elbow. Your pals should face each other and the dumbbells should touch. Pushing the dumbbells together, lower them to your chest, letting your elbows go wide. Then push back up. 

Repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps. 

Dumbbell Pullover

You will only need one dumbbell and an exercise bench to complete the dumbbell pullover

Get into position by lying back with your feet on the ground. hold the dumbbell with both hands over the center of your chest. Now, lower the dumbbell behind your head in the motion of an arc. You want to get the dumbbell as close to the ground as you can. Then, return the dumbbell over your chest. This is one rep. 

Repeat 3 sets of 10 reps. 

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